Kimberly Knight
Denomination: United Church of Christ (UCC)
Kimberly Knight is a nationally recognized leader teaching and practicing social media for ministry. She earned her Master of Divinity from Candler School of Theology at Emory University. Immediately after Candler she served for two years as the Online Organizer for The Beatitudes Society (they liked to call her their Circuit Rider!). She is now the Communication Director for the Southeast Conference, United Church of Christ, leader of Social Media Intensives around the country and a social media coach helping progressive faith leaders leverage the power of social media in meaningful ways. Kimberly also serves as the pastor of an online congregation that has been gathering for nearly five years in the cyber-world of Second Life. Kimberly, her partner and their two children are active members of Kirkwood United Church of Christ in Atlanta, Georgia.
Articles by Kimberly Knight
A Prayer for Colorado
Friday July 20, 2012
A prayer for those whose lives have been shattered by the shooting In Aurora, Colorado on July 20, 2012
"As Yourself"
Tuesday February 14, 2012
As it turns out I’ve always been a bit perplexed by the greatest commandment. Not the Love God with every fiber of my stinkin’ self part but the love the neighbor as myself part. And it’s not what you think exactly.
She who Suffers - God and Evil
Wednesday February 01, 2012
At times of suffering how can we believe in a God of love?
The Golden Circle of Being Church
Tuesday January 24, 2012
We know why, but do we always know how and what?
My Bleeding Heart
Thursday October 27, 2011
As a Progressive Christian married to a police lieutenant in Atlanta, I am working hard to synthesize my love and loyalty in the Occupy movement.
Leaving is Part of the Journey
Thursday May 12, 2011
Why are young folks leaving the church you ask?
Why Sunday Should be Nothing Special
Saturday April 02, 2011
Thoughts that percolated while reading Bruce Reyes-Chow latest blog "Why Easter Worship Service Should be Nothing Special"
A Peacemakers Heart
Friday February 18, 2011
Blessed are the peacemakers
Blessed are the nonviolent resisters
Thursday January 20, 2011
“Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth.” I imagine that those standing in the blood, sweat and tears of Rome’s occupation found this utterance of very little comfort.
Bullied Youth Need Our Love – Reach Out and Speak Up
Wednesday October 06, 2010
September proved to be a very bad month to be young and gay in America. 15-year-old Billy Lucas, 13-year-old Asher Brown, 18-year-old Tyler Clementi, 13-year-old Seth Walsh, and 19-year-old Raymond Chase all took their own lives because they were bullied for being gay.
mePhones, ourPhones: A Eulogy for Conversation
Wednesday June 23, 2010
We ponder the lack of civility in public discourse, but we are half-tuned-into the discourse at the table.
Wired for Ministry in Ohio
Wednesday May 26, 2010
Social Networking for Ministry Workshop
Vacation Bible School - In Second Life?
Monday May 03, 2010
Grown-Up Vacation Bible school in the Virtual World of Second Life...
Theology After Google
Monday April 12, 2010
I had the wonderful opportunity to attend Theology After Google a couple of weeks ago....
What does "progressive Christian" mean to you?
Friday March 12, 2010
Let's have a conversation about progressive Christianity, about social justice Christianity - about Christianity.
Socialnomics or Ecclesialnomics?
Tuesday February 09, 2010
While reading a commentary about social media I got to thinkin' about the church...
Reflections from Emergence Now
Tuesday February 02, 2010
Reflections from Emergence Now - a conference held at Columbia Theological Seminary exploring Emergent Church
Sacred Space in Cyberspace - Facebook Memorial
Thursday December 03, 2009
Stopping by a friend's facebook page - in memorial.
Sacred Space in Cyber Space
Thursday November 19, 2009
Beginning an exploration of social media and the church.
And She Blessed Them Both
Thursday October 29, 2009
Kimberly Knight shares an insight about Ruth's blessing of Naomi that she learned through the online church she leads at Second Life.
Sophia and Satyagraha on Sept. 11, 2009
Friday September 11, 2009
Sophia is seeking you – are you seeking Sophia?
Grace Builds UP
Friday August 21, 2009
Zeal need not obliterate grace, rather grace should imbue our zeal with the power to listen and receive, to encounter rather than control, to love rather than hate – yes even our enemy - or so I have been told.
All Means All
Tuesday August 04, 2009
The lectionary this week skips an important verse or two and 37 speaks volumes. 37All that the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away. Who is whoever? All means all.
Sharing Our Resources
Tuesday July 21, 2009
Jesus uses our existing resources to perform miracles of abundance to be shared with the whole community.
Independence or Inter-dependence?
Monday June 29, 2009
Some rambling thoughts about the approaching Independence Day.
Ethical Consumerism
Tuesday June 16, 2009
An annotated bibliography that offers sources addressing consumer topics from a wide range of perspectives including the Christian response to consumerism.
Consumerism Really Gone Too Far!
Friday June 05, 2009
Human Trafficking - how does the Christian community respond?
Your Interpretive Freedom
Thursday May 21, 2009
Just a little reflection on the presentation by Anna Florence Carter at the Festival of Homiletics 2009.
What Kind of Branches?
Wednesday May 06, 2009
Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches - what kind of branches are we?
The Good Shepherd
Wednesday April 29, 2009
Exploring the beloved 23rd Psalm, in scripture, in our hearts, in our daily lives and on the web.
Encountering Jesus
Saturday April 25, 2009
The fundamental record around which the Christian universe spins is the experience of finding the tomb empty and encountering the risen Christ in our midst. How do we begin to understand what it means to encounter the risen Christ and why is it so hard to recognize him when he is in our midst?