Vacation Bible School - In Second Life?
It's that time of year again when congregations are ramping up for VBS - vacation Bible school. I have to tell you a big ole nerdy secret, I have always loved VBS. Since I was old enough to enjoy banana Popsicles and wear butter cookies on my little fingers I have loved everything about VBS. From the felt art Jesus, disciples and sheep to the high theme VBS camps today I've just love that week of getting together every day with new and old friends to be all Jesusy in a sticky, macaroni art kind of way.
As I am typing this the soundtrack of my young summer VBS days is playing in my head...
Do Lord, Oh Do Lord or Do Remember Me...
...hide it under a bushel NO, I'm gonna let it shine!
God said to Noah there's gonna be a floody, floody..
He's got the Whole Word in His hands...
Red and yellow, black and white they are precious in his site Jesus loves the little children of the world
I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart to stay.
Anyway - the point of this post is that I'm thinking it is time to try a VBS for grown-ups in Second Life - whattaya think? Would you set aside an hour every evening of a week this summer to hang out in SL, look at Bible stories in new ways, take Second Life field trips, learn to make Second Life arts & crafts and maybe even make new friends from all over the country - or world even?
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Your VBS leader - Miss Kim (or Miss Sophianne in Second Life)