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Alliance for Christian Media, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Our Federal Tax ID number is 58-0633982.
Consult your tax advisor regarding your charity deductions.
Or donate using PayPal!
You can also donate using PayPal, including making a recurring monthly donation there as well.
Thank you for your interest in our ministry!
Day1 is the voice of the historic mainline Protestant churches. Since our founding as The Protestant Hour in 1945 we have not missed one weekly broadcast. Through our ministry thousands of sermons have been preached by some of America's greatest preachers, reaching millions of listeners over the years with the Good News of God's love. Here is some feedback from our listeners around the world:
"That was a happy day several years ago when I discovered your program known in my youth as The Protestant Hour."
"Thank you and all the staff and participating preachers for being my inspiration every Sunday morning at 7:05. I do not remember the year I first began listening to The Protestant Hour/Day1. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you."
"This gift is in appreciation of those of courage to begin this radio ministry in 1945. A young girl, I well remember and am so thankful to have met and heard preach wonderful sermons through the years."
"Thank you for the guaranteed good sermons for the start of Sundays. My wife and I enjoy starting most Sundays with you."
Today we have before us some exciting challenges. We are developing new programming, and we continue to enhance and expand our Day1 website to make available content to facilitate the message of Christ's redemptive love.
Please be sure to visit our Day1 weekly broadcast and other podcasts, blogs, and videos to learn more the content featured on our website. You can also follow us on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter. Just click on the icons at the top of the page.
For this ministry to continue, we need your prayers and your financial support. Our program is not underwritten by denominations or foundations, but survives through financial contributions from our loyal listeners, preachers, and churches. Please give generously today. Thank you for your support.
Gifts of cash (by credit card or check):
You can make a secure, tax-deductible contribution with your PayPal account or credit card above.
Checks or money orders may be mailed to:
Alliance for Christian Media, Inc.
4062 Peachtree Road NE
Suite A-629
Atlanta, GA 30319
Gifts of securities (such as stocks, bonds, mutual fund shares, etc.):
A gift of securities offers you a unique opportunity to contribute to our work while also benefiting from the tax advantages that accompany this type of donation. Gifts of appreciated securities that you have held for more than one year are generally tax deductible for the full value of the securities and allow you to avoid being assessed a capital gains tax. If you have questions about giving a gift of securities or would like more information, please email us at or call us at 404-490-3354.
Gifts through your estate plan (including bequests, donor advised funds and charitable trusts):
For more information about including Day1 in your estate plan, please email us at or call us at 404-490-3354.