Then God said, "Come no closer! Remove the sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground."
-Exodus 3:5
Moses was minding his own business, watching his flock of sheep, when he encountered a bush that burned without being consumed. And the Lord spoke to him there on a dusty, rocky, mountain that suddenly became holy ground.
Moses' sandals had walked through the dirt of human existence. They represented the wayward steps of humanity apart from God. God wanted Moses to remove them.
This doesn't mean that God refuses to accept our human frailties and needs, or that we are unreachable in our depths of sin. This is rather a reminder of God's holiness, which can cleanse us and free us from the sludge we bring with us into the holy presence.
Come into God's presence today. Take off your shoes. Release your needs. God will take them and clean them. God will free you from their pain. Perhaps just for a moment. Perhaps forever.
Where you are right now is holy ground. Because God is with you.