Science for the Church

Our mission

Strengthening the church through engaging with science​

We believe that churches are strengthened by engaging with science. Science for the Church looks to a day when science accompanies Scripture as a tool for discipleship, catalyzes expressions of worship, illustrates sermons, elucidates biblical teachings, and supplements theological wisdom for the life of the world. We even wonder if wrestling with science might draw some of the “nones” (those who affiliate with no religion) and the “dones” (those who have left the church) to Christian communities once again.

Our story

​Experience to guide you and your church into the future

We are building on 10 years of leading programs like Scientists in Congregations and Science and Theology for Emerging Adult Ministries (STEAM). Having resourced 65 ministries, we are now positioning ourselves for the future. What does the future look like? In our effort to strengthen the church by engaging science, we are pursuing the following four priorities:

Build a Movement
Leverage Relationships between Clergy and Scientists
Host Events
Provide Resources


Science for the Church Speakers

Speaker Organization View

The Rev. Dr. Greg Cootsona

Presbyterian Church (USA)

Science for the Church

Not available

Drew Rick-Miller

Presbyterian Church (USA)