Bruce Reyes-Chow: I Hate Blog Lists, or Bruce's Top 10 List of Blogs You Should Read
If you are in any way connected to the mainline-emergent-hipster-people-of-color-post-evangelical-christian world, you have probably caught a whiff of the kerfuffle that Christian Piatt started with his Top 25 Christian Blogs You Should Be Reading results: Readers' Choice and Editor's Picks. And if you tracked a little further, you also saw Christena Cleveland's post, People of Color Blog Too, in response to the Readers' Choice list only including one Person of Color and a list which has also drawn some strong critique. Political Jesus posted a quick analysis of tensions and I will add that, between these two lists along with SANACS' Asian American Christian Blogroll, blog exposure has been broadened. Thank you SANACS, @ChristianPiatt and @CSCleve for taking the time to gather these lists.
Honestly I am pretty neutral about these lists. I often don't pay all that much attention to them after they are published, and truth be told, my blog does not get all that much traffic from being on the lists. As a blogger who actually does want people to click over and read my stuff, content is still the most compelling invitation.
So of course, I am putting together my own blog list.
But to be clear, there will be no voting. This is a blogtatorship, people. My blog, my rules.
But first, the criteria for inclusion on my Top 10 Blogs List:
- _ These are folks who I actually read. _Keep in mind that I use "read" loosely, see #5.
- _ These blogs complete me. _ In some way I am consistently made a better person, pastor, friend, citizen, dad, writer, husband, Presbyterian, etc. by reading these folks. I may not always agree, but I am always compelled to think.
- These are folks that I think you should be reading. While I did not go back and vet these folks for content that I might vehemently disagree with on theological, political or ideological grounds, I am fully ready to endorse your bookmarking and subscribing to these folks should their topics interest you.
- Not being on the list could very well mean that I don't actually read you. I am just kidding. Kinda. Honestly, there are others of you with whom I just don't jive. Not sure if it's your style, the topics you choose or that we don't get along in person either, but just as not every pastor can pastor every person, not every blogger will speak to every reader . . . even if we are friends. It's okay, we'll all survive.
- _ Not being included on this list does not mean I don't read you. _ True confessions, I am a horrible blog reader. When I say "I read" it really means that I am 87.96% more likely to click on a link from this person's blog if it flashes across my twitter or facebook stream. So please know that I know that there are many of you who are kickass bloggers and I am just lazy. It really is me and not you.
And my Top 10 - In no particular order even though my sister is listed first.
Lauren Gibbs Beadle [ | @lgibbeadle]
My little sister is an amazing and share her life with such raw honesty that I am sure she has help to heal the hearts and souls of many whom she has probably never met. She writes on creativity, mental health and parenting.
Becca Ludlum [ | @beccaludlum]
I met Becca, a social media consultant, earlier this year as part of the GM Social Media Team at the LA Auto Show and we immediately hit it off. Focusing on social media and parenting, I am always returning to her post, Stop Judging, Start Empowering, whenever people give me guff for what I do.
Colorlines [ | @Colorlines]
Odds are that, if you have been engaged in any conversations about race and politics, you have stumbled upon Colorlines. Reporting on justice issues that impact people of color. Def worth bookmarking as a starting point for getting info that is often missed by mainstream media outlets.
Katie Mulligan [ | @katiesmulligan @grammercie]
One of those folks who I could see as my pastor. Over the years Katie has moved my spirit in the sharing of her story, she has held me accountable for what I say and models what it means to be a genuine and faithful pastor and parent today.
Jan Edmiston [ | @jledmiston]
Jan is a Presbyterian bureaucrat, but don't let that stop you from reading her. She was a congregational a pastor for 20+ years and writes some of the most pointed posts about denominations and the mainline church. Jan always seems to address the right issues at the right time and in a way that invites engagement and thought.
Angry Asian Man [ | @angryasianman]
While I track many Asian American culture blogs, I find myself returning over and over to AAM because I have found him to be the most consistent in sharing what's up in the Asian American community, whether it is pop or politics. Most helpful are
The Root [ | @theroot247]
Kind of a catch-all, the Root focuses on Black News, Opinion, Politics and Culture. And like Colorlines, the Root often helps give more nuance to what mainstream media reports as well as bring to light issues and events that are often missed.
Krista Dalton [ | @KristaNDalton]
Krista is Phd candidate at Columbia focusing on Judaism and Christianity in Late Antiquity. She is also full of boardgame smugness and she keeps me on my toes about scripture and the realities of other forms of church that have not been part of my progressive, mainline, West Coast Presbyterian world.
Christena Cleveland [ | @CSCleve]
I have actually never met Christena in person, but from her writing and our interweb interaction, I suspect that we are kindred spirits. She may think differently, but hey, it's my list. Christena, whose has a book coming out in November, Disunity in Christ: Uncovering the Hidden Forces that Keep Us Apart, writes about race, justice, education, faith, etc. and is always compelling and informative.
Chuck Wendig [ | @chuckwendig]
I don't even remember when I stumbled upon Chuck Wendig's blog. Wendig writes about stuff: the craft of writing, politics, current issues, etc. I will say that his posts often make this writer cringe, not because of the colorful language he uses and topics he chooses, but because his posts about writing often make it seem like he has been living in my head. Please get out of my head Mr. Wendig.
So there you have it. Please feel free to add some of your favorites in the comments and I hope this list will give you a few more folks to read.