Kenneth Samuel: Almighty Purpose

Psalm 138:7,8

"Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life; you stretch out your hand against the anger of my foes, with your right hand you save me.  The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me."  

Reflection by Kenneth L. Samuel

I can't speak for everyone, but I cannot imagine a greater living hell than that of going through life without a purpose.  For me, futility is the ultimate enemy.  If my pains are not connected to any greater providence; if my struggles have no meaning beyond their existential reality; if my tears are not tailored to teach me anything about a greater good, then I'd rather not take my next breath.  Suffering is never easy, but it is bearable as long as we are assured that we do not suffer in vain.

Faith in God's plan or providential purpose for our lives is one thing, but the promise that nothing can block, thwart or derail that purpose ushers us into a whole new arena of faithful expectation.  The Psalmist declares: "The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me."  God's purpose in our lives cannot be denied, derailed or delayed by anyone or anything, including our own resistance.  Our pains and pressures are all on purpose; our fears and frustrations are all on purpose; our triumphs and tragedies are all on purpose.  If we connect the dots of even our darkest days, we may catch a glimpse of purposes, plans and promises that are beyond our ability to determine or fully decipher.

It's so tempting to get discouraged, and to feel that our work is all in vain.  But here's the blessed assurance.  God not only has a purpose for us, but God's purpose will be executed, will be completed and will be fulfilled for our good.  From time to time, we all wrestle with life's inputs.  But let's trust God for life's outcomes. 

"Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, Just to take him at his word.

Just to rest upon his promise, just to know 'Thus saith the Lord'

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust him, How I've proved him o'er and o'er.

Jesus, Jesus, Precious Jesus. Oh for grace to trust him more."


Gracious God we thank you not only for your purpose in our lives, but for the blessed assurance that despite every tribulation we face, your purpose for us will be fulfilled.  Amen.

Taken from UCC's StillSpeaking Devotional.